Make colour differences between my/enemy coins

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Make colour differences between my/enemy coins

Post by AVTactics »

Right now there is no difference in coins. I mean there is no difference in that circle around the unique squad picture.
Look: we have unique squad picture (scouts, cavalry and so on), and there is a standard grey-coloured circle-wise shape around the picture. This circle is grey for both players. So everytime I need to identify which squads are mine and which are not I have to pay attention to our hands. This is quite mmm ... tention to my eyes, doesnt matter 1vs1 or 2vs2.
It will be much more comfortable for my eyes if the program (the game table) will differentiate my squads from my opponent squads by just colouring the shape, the circle. Lets say mine will be gold or white, or bright ... and enemy will be dark or whatever.
For me it will make the game better on this website, in both modes: 1vs1 and 2vs2.

Extra explanations:
Some may say its okay to pay attention or remeber what you have picked, what you have on hand ... Yes, I agree, but we are not ideal. And sometimes looks like I tend to have a deep mind focus on whats going on on the deck, not in hands. And sometimes you lose track of game because of some different home stuff, it could be a wife or a child just asked something for a second - and this is enough. So it will be just better to have that "quick come back into the game" without any problems with identifying what you need to identify.
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Re: Make colour differences between my/enemy coins

Post by tchobello »


There is already some difference in coins: there is a shadow under your coins, like a 3D effect.

Editor asked and did agree on this in early stages of development.
We didn't want to alter too much Brigette Indelicato's work.
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Re: Make colour differences between my/enemy coins

Post by C-Jack »


Effectivement je ressens également le besoin de pouvoir différencier mes pions de celui de l'adversaire (Comme au jeu d'échec ou de dame). Je joue uniquement au "tour par tour", et j'ai plusieurs parties en cours. Il n'est pas évident d'identifier ses pièces lorsque je reprends une partie en attente depuis 1 ou 2 jours.
La petite ombre permettant d'identifier SES pièces est une très bonne idée, mais elle est à peine visible sur un écran de smartphone. BGA est une plateforme numérique de jeux de plateaux, l'adaptation de ces jeux nécessite peut être quelques petites concessions par rapport à la version physique, sans trahir les auteurs.
Bref, une légère amélioration de l'dentification des jetons selon les joueurs, serait super ! Tout en respectant le travail déjà accompli, bien entendu :)
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Re: Make colour differences between my/enemy coins

Post by tchobello »

le choix de l'ombre portée a été demandé et validé par l'éditeur.
il y a un juste équilibre à trouver entre la taille des pions, des hexagones, des halos, des forts... je n'y toucherai plus.

Pour rappel, la liste des pions de chaque joueur est dans le player's panel (en haut sur les mobiles) et aussi en bas à gauche pour les parties à 2J.
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Re: Make colour differences between my/enemy coins

Post by T72on1 »

I almost exclusively play on turn based mode as well. I never had any issues with discerning my own pieces. As tchobello indicates, you can easily see which player has which pieces on two different places on the screen.
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