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Animations are a must-have!

Posted: 29 December 2020, 00:10
by RetroPandroo
This is a great fun little filler game, something new to my group. Thanks BGA team for bringing this in!
However, the move resolves are extremely underwhelming as there are no animations, things just pop into place and you have to read the text to try understand what happens on opponents turns.
Unfortunately a deal-breaker as it does take away 90% of the fun, some movements and explosions/ misses, and dice roll animations would be incredible!

Re: Animations are a must-have!

Posted: 29 December 2020, 12:15
by DrKarotte
As far as I remember I made a suggestion for visible dice early during Alpha, and I think that had been promised by the developper. Hopefully it will be added!