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Tuna license confusing wording

Posted: 25 June 2021, 09:25
by Trociu
Hello, I believe Tuna license needs a little fix. Current strings are:
May discard any card in hand
Draw bonus:
With 1 license draw 2, keep 2
With 2 licenses draw 3, keep 2
With 3 licenses draw 3, keep
With 4 licenses draw 4, keep 3
And it confused me a lot in my first 2 games. I never played this game before and I did not understand why and when I "may discard any card in hand". I believe it should be changed to:
Draw bonus:
With 1 license draw 2, keep 2
With 2 licenses draw 3, keep 2
With 3 licenses draw 3, keep 3
With 4 licenses draw 4, keep 3
(You may discard any card in hand)
or something like that.