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Exclude before first hand instead of stopping game

Posted: 11 June 2022, 20:39
by ErwinLindemann
Hi, I was excluded from a game, when I had techical trouble, before the first Trick.
I wonder if this is considered a fair move. As the the game can also be stopped. It looked to me as if the other players just were looking for easy ELO as they left at the first ocassion. How do you see it?

Re: Exclude before first hand instead of stopping game

Posted: 25 August 2022, 08:08
by Kampfschwein Fjonda
Did you tell the others you had technical trouble?
Should they read your mind and wait for 5-10 minutes because they owe you?

Re: Exclude before first hand instead of stopping game

Posted: 21 December 2023, 17:21
by I Am That ls
Kampfschwein Fjonda wrote: 25 August 2022, 08:08 Did you tell the others you had technical trouble?
Should they read your mind and wait for 5-10 minutes because they owe you?
That is not the concern. There is the option to quit the game without punishment for anyone. In so many cases, people deny that request just to tjrow the person out a few seconds later. That is really annoying and toxic behaviour.
Wizard players, please consider mutually ending a game if a player doesn't show up for the first trick.