4x4 Completion Bonus

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4x4 Completion Bonus

Post by WolfboyNick »

Just curious if anyone else finds the 4x4 Completion bonus to be redundant/overpowered? Seems like controlling the game end is enough of a bonus… I’ve played twice (both with beginner set up) and both times the game has been won by the person who got that bonus - and by less than 7 points.

Maybe it’s only that way on the beginner board? Perhaps it is balanced out by the competitive side of the objective rewards?

Just curious.
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Re: 4x4 Completion Bonus

Post by Nastaa »

That's an interesting question. I have not played many games either but so far my experience is that 7 points is not that much. I mean, it feels nice to get the bonus, but in my games the winner always had more than 7 points difference with the other(s) and the winner was not always the one who got the 4x4 completion bonus. In conclusion, so far, it does not feel overpowered to me.

I'm also curious to see what others think about this.
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Re: 4x4 Completion Bonus

Post by Andrewsmile »

Hello, I have played a few hundred games with a >80% winrate and my experience is that the 7 point bonus is significant but the end of the game is far less important than the beginning, if your opening picks and first few turns are better than your opponent you will win the vast majority of the time regardless of who ends the game. Just my 2 cents
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Re: 4x4 Completion Bonus

Post by bloodies »

My 2 cents:

Typically, getting the bonus means you are going to have to pass the moves where your opponents choose planting, unless you are the last player. 7 points is pretty well matched with that passed turn.
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