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how to choose evacuation condition?

Posted: 28 June 2023, 03:59
by antimyth
evacuation condition AND Player board has their own side, so need a new option.

Re: how to choose evacuation condition?

Posted: 28 June 2023, 23:33
by MasterMystery
those exist, selection of path "automatic" or "manuell" (translated from german now)

Re: how to choose evacuation condition?

Posted: 29 June 2023, 03:21
by antimyth
no no no, we have 4 path, each path has two leaders, two player board side and two evacuation conditions.

now we can decide player board side in menu, and choose path and leaders in game, but the evacuation conditions is random, where the problem is.

Re: how to choose evacuation condition?

Posted: 29 June 2023, 14:51
by MasterMystery
no, the path choice is your evacuation as far as i know, but need to try to varify. If I understand it right there is no choice to choose your "faction" which is also called path in the rulebook. did you try to set that of manual and see what you are choosing?

anyway evacuation is random as per rulebook "Place the Path board belonging to their chosen Path in front of each player, with a randomly chosen side up. Each side has a different Evacuation condition printed on it, which is scored when the player takes the Evacuation Action"

Re: how to choose evacuation condition?

Posted: 02 July 2023, 21:38
by poptasticboy
The rules say that the path board is assigned with a random side up, so you are not meant to be able to choose.

Having said that, I would certainly support an optional variant setting to allow this to be chosen.

Re: how to choose evacuation condition?

Posted: 16 December 2023, 00:38
by Cyphen
poptasticboy is correct. According to the rules of the game, you are not allowed to choose your Evacuation Condition after choosing a Path. Although, once you see it, you are allowed to choose your Leader once you know what your Evac Condition is going to be.

I imagine it's a common enough houserule for people who play the game at home (although I've never manually selected Evac Conditions, myself). Still, my preference would be for official variants (such as the Tougher Two Player Variant) to get in, first.