Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe: a title as serious as the game, and you can't read this on Frontpage :)

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Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe: a title as serious as the game, and you can't read this on Frontpage :)

Post by DrClick »


Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe (USE) is a strategic level game covering the World War II European Theater. Players make the political decisions and control the military forces of the three major factions that struggled for European dominance and survival.

With its emphasis on force projection and decision making, players remain focused on the big picture of managing their front lines and political opportunities. Through simple mechanics and low on-map counter density, players easily handle the strategic action without a myriad of complicated subsystems or tall stacks of counters.

As one gamer put it, "It is a delight to be spending my limited brain power on making (or agonizing over) operational decisions that are as dependent upon guts as they are on gray matter. This game is not a series of arithmetic exercises, and the only variable in these algorithms is nerve."

Though the focus is on the big picture, Unconditional Surrender! still delivers historical detail. Each country has an historical army level order of battle, and its relative economic strength and national will to fight are effectively and simply modeled. Also represented are such World War II events as airdrops, Free Forces, jets, naval evacuation, partisans, radar, railroad artillery guns, and ULTRA; all neatly woven into the game's core mechanics for ease of play.

The game has many scenarios ranging from quick playing individual campaigns to longer ones covering up to the entire war.

This kind of game is pretty rare on BGA (it's actually the first), for a simple reason: they're outstandingly deep and complex.
Trying to mimic everything from this period of history, accurately and while keeping up player interest at the same time is a challenge that Salvatore Vasta has managed perfectly here.

You can get more informations about the game and start playing by clicking here, but beware; it's not for the faint-hearted ones:
https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?ga ... lsurrender

We just MUST thank our developer, Lunalol, for achieving such a big implementation of a game: it's huge, and very well made, clearly a labor of love and passion! So thank you a million times for this.

Also, a huge thank you to the publisher, GMT Games, for bringing such a game here: no doubt that there will be some history written on BGA with this title.
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Re: Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe: a title as serious as the game, and you can't read this on Frontpage

Post by pepepig »

Awesome! Good to see wargames in BGA.

I hope to see more titles here :D
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Re: Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe: a title as serious as the game, and you can't read this on Frontpage

Post by Snodnal »

Awesome! Hopefully many more GMT games to follow! This is such a great accomplishment. Congratulations and thank you.
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Re: Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe: a title as serious as the game, and you can't read this on Frontpage

Post by youknowwho1887 »

How disturbed one can be to make or to play such games?
Take this off the list. Millions of human have died, that was not a game, it was bitter!
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Re: Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe: a title as serious as the game, and you can't read this on Frontpage

Post by travbot »

Here's hoping to many more titles from GMT appearing on BGA. Urban Sprawl, Dominant Species, Welcome to Centerville, and the forthcoming Mr. President are ones that would be amazing to play online!
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Re: Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe: a title as serious as the game, and you can't read this on Frontpage

Post by Marcius »

We hope it's the first of many more!
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Re: Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe: a title as serious as the game, and you can't read this on Frontpage

Post by JumpyFox »

youknowwho1887 wrote: 01 February 2021, 14:43 How disturbed one can be to make or to play such games?
Take this off the list. Millions of human have died, that was not a game, it was bitter!
Much as disturbed as you can be to make games about colonialism which killed even more like Puerto Rico? Or about space empires conquering and subjugating entire planets like eminent domain? Yet those you play without issue it seems.

I don't think anyone playing it wishes it to happen again, but like all games the context and the story adds flavour to the mechanics.

I for one am glad we have these kind of deep strategy games available, especially as regular gamenights that these require can be a problem nowadays. Cheers BGA.

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