Feature requests for tournament searches

Tournaments organization / Organisation des tournois
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Feature requests for tournament searches

Post by JCase16 »

Ok, this is the second time typing this as my first one was wiped out when I submitted it so I apologize for being very direct and less verbose than I originally was.

Tournaments search page needs some updates. Could we get these feature updates:
  • Need to be able to right click and open tournament page in new tab. Sometimes I try and sign up for 20+ tournaments at once and it gets really old trying to click into and then back on all of them
  • Need to be able to search for tournaments that I am NOT signed up for.
  • Is a better Tournament UI already in the works? If not, I realize this is a large effort. Would you consider using kickstarter or indiegogo to crowdfund the money to make it worth your time to make a great tournament experience for more than 2 players and more settings and a better UI experience when trying to play real time? I would love to see this happen. Also, this feature should be premium only if you do go down this path.
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