Joining tournaments with <100 ELO.

Tournaments organization / Organisation des tournois
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Joining tournaments with <100 ELO.

Post by RicardoRix »


I couldn't join a Dark Agent tournament, because my ELO was only 23. However there are only currently 8 ranked players with ELO > 100 for Dark Agent. Luckily I asked for an invite from the organiser and he responded in kind.

I can understand that in most circumstances you need this rule, but there must be certain times when this could be relaxed.

How about being added into a que - 'Requries Admin Approval' kind of thing. OR where if the tournament is not full then you are given a place. OR for games that have 100 ELO rating outside the top50 then remove the restriction . OR more simply adding a setting in the tournament setup.
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