Through the ages - Wars

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Through the ages - Wars

Post by Ratt »

I noticed a problem with the execution and resolution of War cards. The game gives you the option of sacrificing units or playing defense cards to increase your strength for both the attacker and defender. Not once but twice each. These choice screens are not only unnecessary, they are misleading. Sacrificing and defense cards only apply to aggressions, not wars. Players new to the game are misled to sacrifice their military in a war which actually has the opposite effect as intended, making the effects of the loss more devastating. Added to this is the lack of an undo button for sacrificing or using defense cards for both aggressions and wars. Once you click on that soldier to sacrifice, they're gone. Even if you miscalculate and start sacrificing and spending defense cards on an aggression and then realize you couldn't meet the aggressor's strength, too bad! Now you've got to suffer both the effects of the card AND the unnecessary loss of military. The addition of an undo button at these screens would help to reduce the frustration of an otherwise excellent game. And the outright removal of the misleading sacrifice options for wars would have a great streamlining effect as well, since this is a popular turn-based game and any time you have to wait for your opponent to click a redundant button is quite annoying time indeed. Thanks for all the hard work!

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