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Re: Algorithms

Post by McDok »

I am curious to know about the algorithm. I have no idea how they are programmed to work, and as such am curious; when I am clicking on one of the 52 cards that are face down at the beginning of a game, and/or when 40 cards are face down and I'm cutting the shared card for hands and crib, is that card being selected from the remaining cards by which individual face down card that I select, or is the card already predetermined no matter which of the 52 cards or 40 cards that I select that are face down.

I am asking this question not to get opinion on the matter, although that would be interesting, I suppose. I am asking for an answer from those who run BGA. By the way; excellent site. I am a shut in that must look for interaction through technology, and I miss playing card games with friends and family. This is an appreciated outlet for socializing. Thank you.
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Re: Algorithms

Post by swetytooth »

Every online game is manipulated. It has to be because it is a program. If we want "random" then we have to play real cribbage. This site, like every other, is designed to make money. Pay for the entertainment, not love of the game because this is definitely not cribbage. When you're sad you didn't get a 12 hand, you know it's ridiculous.
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Re: Algorithms

Post by ufm »


You can check the code yourself in BGA studio. Go ahead.
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Re: Algorithms

Post by DrJams »

"real cribbage" is only as good as the shuffling, which can be bad, good, or a little *too* good ;) . Humans tend to notice anomalies and coincidences, while mundane things go unnoticed. This skews our perception. Probability and statistics are fascinating. Try recording every outcome of a few games using physical cards. I've been playing that way for decades and have seen all manor of anomalies and coincidences. None of the gripes in this thread are extraordinary if you understand the math. But you don't need a PhD--just take a deep breath and enjoy the *free* game that the good folks at BGA put their time into creating :)
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