Ghosz Ectoplasm behaviour

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Ghosz Ectoplasm behaviour

Post by somukeru »
We played with 5th Ingredient Ghost Ectoplasm, active professor Antiqua Thriftymind, but the bahaviour was hard to understand and I cannot find any rules or explanation for it.
We were able to swap one element from a full pool for a Ghost Ectoplasm at the end of a turn, but never keep it. It seemed that as soon as any player used any potion, then anyone else's saved ectoplasm would just disappear back the tray. The first time with happened was when a Blind Love was used to try and steal it, so we speculated that it was not stealable, but we later had the same behaviour with other potions. The UI showed then showed the marble drifting around on the screen, but I dont knoiw if this was some kind of UI joke about ghosts, or just a bug. A browser refresh caused it to reappear in the tray. So, it was never possible to keep a ghost marble in your pool ready for the next turn. Is that how it is meant to work?
Taking a ghost marble from a slide and using it straight away to complete a potion seemed to work as expected.
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Re: Ghosz Ectoplasm behaviour

Post by LBHahaha »

THIS!!! It's so frustrating, esp when paired with another professor (i.e. Humblescore) that I might have used the marble woth to better effect.
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Re: Ghosz Ectoplasm behaviour

Post by type1assassin »

Ya this is an ongoing bug that hasn't been resolved yet. Makes it so I never even use her power because you just lost a marble doing that. With the 6th student expansion and the green marbles, I wanted to use the white marble to cause an explosion against a green marble but the game doesn't let you turn the white marble into a green marble. It ruined my whole turn! I'm pretty upset about both of these bugs that haven't been fixed yet!
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Re: Ghosz Ectoplasm behaviour

Post by mikkashar » is the bug report on Antiqua Thriftymind. Please consider adding your report there and/or upvoting it.
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