2nd player advantage

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2nd player advantage

Post by GeraldineMerida »

Since the board is always set up so that no 2 balls of the same colour can be dropped in a vertical stack by Player 1 on Turn 1, but this is very often possible on Turn 1 for Player 2, going first is a significant disadvantage among skilled players.

So why does the game host always have to go first? Turn order should be randomised.

It's actually putting me off hosting games now.
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Re: 2nd player advantage

Post by JoeCreates »

Second player also has the advantage that in a linear aggressive game first player will have 2 more balls and so lose first of both players would have survived to the same turn.

However both of these are tiny relative to the two advantages first player has.

First player gets a bigger chance to steal the more valuable balls (purple and red especially) and on top of this will likely be the first to use an aggressive power on account of being a turn ahead.

First player has the bigger advantage in experienced games where early aggression provides the biggest swings.
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