Conceding near the end of the game

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Conceding near the end of the game

Post by coffeelion322 »

I've found that in this game more than any other that I play on here, people will concede during the final couple turns of the game if they think they don't have a chance of winning. I would recommend not doing that. If you play it out, the other person gets to know what their score is and it might even be their highest ever, which would make them proud and give them something to try to beat. Ending it early robs them of that. Especially if they had a filed card that would have given them a lot of points that now doesn't count.

I guess what I'm saying is why not let them have their fun? It'll only take 5 or less minutes of your day.
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Re: Conceding near the end of the game

Post by Psheep »

Totally agree
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Re: Conceding near the end of the game

Post by FingerGunz »

I consider it a courtesy. I get to play again, sooner!
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Re: Conceding near the end of the game

Post by bones101 »

5mins are quite a lot of time though.
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Re: Conceding near the end of the game

Post by SquashEngineer »

But is Gizmos really any good?
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Re: Conceding near the end of the game

Post by WiAiC »

Do you just play 1 game per day?

Say conceding 1 game can save 2 mins, conceding 15 games can save 30 mins. A 2p-game is about 8 mins, saving that amount of time can let me try my luck in another 3 games. So yeah, I'm definitely conceding. I think I've played very sufficient amount of games to say that this is a luck game, and you can't believe how unlucky I am. I have 1 opponent that have won me in all 12 games, out of the total, ONLY 1-2 games that he didn't have an obvious luck from the beginning, but turned out smooth in the mid; in all other games, he had distinctively great luck with the marbles and cards -- if I don't block him, of course he gets what he wants; if I blocked him, I'll make myself worse, 'cause the right marbles and cards always go to him.

Winning a game is already fun, why not save some sympathy for those who has been unlucky for 10-20 games in a row, or already lost few hundreds of points to opponent? Some winners are clearly going to win, and they still take so long time to think which card to take and which marble to take, it's wasting time.

Or, think in another way... the winner can straightly go to the next game and keeps winning, more winnings = more fun, isn't that good?

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Re: Conceding near the end of the game

Post by CakeorDave »

I understand that some people view concessions as robbing the victor of their “fun” or their “deserved score”. That seems like a very entitled position for a casual board game.

I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m of the opinion that “playing it out” is entirely a matter of preference in this case.

If you’ve set aside 2 hours and rented a tennis court, you don’t leave mid-match if you’re so far behind it’s not worth considering. You start a new game if you’re keeping track of matches, or you keep playing if you’re just there to have fun.

Having set expectations of your random partners (especially in arena) is wild, to me. Talk about it if it matters, but if you’re playing arena? Expect them to want to play more matches so they can spend the same amount of time playing … but with a higher win chance.

I’ve got no issues with people conceding early. I usually do not, personally, but if it’s an obvious steamroll? Sure, take your win and move along to the next game.
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Re: Conceding near the end of the game

Post by Nastaa »

I opened a few days ago a suggestion for mutual agreement to concede (see For me, conceding should happen only if both players at the table agree (similar to current implementation of how abandon works, but different outcome).
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Re: Conceding near the end of the game

Post by Arnetto »

Or change the concession mechanism to an offer of concession that leading player(s) can choose to accept
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Re: Conceding near the end of the game

Post by coffeelion322 »

It hit me the other day why conceding in this game rubs me the wrong way.

This game is an engine builder, and the thing that makes it so fun is chaining everything and having big, fun turns. Having someone concede while you're in the middle of having your fun is what frustrates me. What's the point of building an engine if you don't really get to use it because someone concedes on you?
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