Time stretchers in endgame blacklist tbc

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Time stretchers in endgame blacklist tbc

Post by Lasilami »

my dear players,

time limit is part of the game.
even in endgame.
from my opinion it is unfair and unpolite to stretch out the limit to sort out the deck until the game is won.

for your interest, I will now do a black list, and I will post it here.
these few always the same players need to learn the rules.

anyone who reads this list and will meet a player of the list, should stretch out time limit from the first move.
so they will have a really long and boring game.

additionally I will give them a red thumb.

Cheers, Lasilami
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Re: Time stretchers in endgame blacklist tbc

Post by xate »

for your interest, I will now do a black list, and I will post it here.
these few always the same players need to learn the rules.

anyone who reads this list and will meet a player of the list, should stretch out time limit from the first move.
so they will have a really long and boring game.
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You are free to give players a Red Thumb to avoid playing with them again if you do not like their game play. However, posting these players names publicly will lead to a moderation penalty. Purposely extending your turns with the intent to cause an opponent aggrevation is considered poor-sportsmanship and is against our code of conduct. Please play your game fairly and use the time settings when selecting a table to find opponents who play at the speed you prefer.
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Re: Time stretchers in endgame blacklist tbc

Post by Lasilami »

Thx for yor reply.
But is i not about the time settings I prefer.

It is about, when the time for a move is OVER, it should be over. And not extended on purpose in order to gain a win against time rules.
When time is over, the other players move should begin.

In Arena mode there is a certain group of players which overstrech time in every game when it comes to an end.
And this behaviour is unfair, and annoying fair players like me.

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Re: Time stretchers in endgame blacklist tbc

Post by aesche »

Can‘t you just kick them if they go over time? Or, if they are about to win and still purposely go to a negative clock and only play after you start the expellation counter, you instead can propose an abandon, which will end the game immediately and without their consent if they are in the negative, striping them off the win. Though I‘m not totally sure why they‘d do such in the first place.
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Re: Time stretchers in endgame blacklist tbc

Post by Lasilami »

That I will do from now on, thank you!
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