I got a bug report for Canosa, about the game not loading correctly on iOS (Safari and Chrome) : https://boardgamearena.com/bug?id=77670
As I state in my latest comment, my best guess so far is that Safari does not like the webp image format I'm using. I found out that it did not accept it at all in 2019 : https://discussions.apple.com/thread/250073758
It can display it now, I had proof of that from a friend's iPhone 12, but I know I can trust Safari to support modern features poorly...
Do you know game(s) on BGA that use this format, so I could try them on my friend's phone and see if I experience the same behaviour ?
As I state in my latest comment, my best guess so far is that Safari does not like the webp image format I'm using. I found out that it did not accept it at all in 2019 : https://discussions.apple.com/thread/250073758
It can display it now, I had proof of that from a friend's iPhone 12, but I know I can trust Safari to support modern features poorly...
Do you know game(s) on BGA that use this format, so I could try them on my friend's phone and see if I experience the same behaviour ?