Do players really prefer it with the "action rule" to without?

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Do players really prefer it with the "action rule" to without?

Post by OzLefty76 »

Curious - since the arena mode has the "action rule" turned on - if that's generally a preferred way to play?

I think Red7 shines with the advanced mode and scoring, where there are interesting choices about when to fold and when to sacrifice growing your palette to try to expand your options. But the action rule (with compulsory card powers) just seems to add to chaos and reduce your choices.

Or am I out of the loop and the "action rule" is actually generally preferred?
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Re: Do players really prefer it with the "action rule" to without?

Post by Celeve »

Interesting you feel the card powers reduce your choices, when to me it feels the game is very limited in choice and more deterministic without them.

Additionally, I consider the action rule to add some balance to the cards, by e.g. making playing 1 to the canvas much more powerful as it allows you to reduce your opponent's canvas in addition to just adding a crappy card to your own. The effect from 3s is crazy good (card draw is good, right), while the effect from 5s I mostly consider a negative and aim to draw a card with them by discarding them to the palette instead of adding them to my canvas. (Though admittedly 7 is great pretty much any way you play it.)

So in short, I prefer the "full rules" of the game. To me, the limited rules are only useful for procedurally teaching the game.
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Re: Do players really prefer it with the "action rule" to without?

Post by OzLefty76 »

Interesting. I agree that the first two levels of limited rules aren't all that interesting, but I really feel the third - scoring between hands, so there is a tactical decision of when to fold; and the draw rule when you play a rule with a higher number than the cards in your palette, which gives you an option for changing your hand, but at the cost of higher cards - I really feel that's where it shines. The extra rules grit and chaos of the odd card powers just feels like it breaks it, for me. Like a weird expansion mode that is interesting to try out once or twice but completely undercuts the real strategy of the game.

Whereas in Innovation I love the wild card powers, but that's because that IS the game.
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