Time Masters: Polish translation should be corrected

Tłumaczenie polskie
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Time Masters: Polish translation should be corrected

Post by Trzynastka »

In the polish translation of the 'Time Masters' there are some mistakes and things that could be improved, I'm not sure if I noticed all of them.

The most essential examples:

'Put the first card of each Sphere under its pile'
Translation: 'Umieść pierwszą kartę z każdej Sfery na jej stosie'
which means: 'Put the first card of each Sphere ON its pile' and it obviously doesn't make sense, because it's already there

'Choose an opponent, this one reveals the 3 first cards of his deck, if there’s at least one Focus choose one and play it [...]'
Translation: 'Wybierz przeciwnika, ten ujawnia 3 pierwsze karty ze swojej talii, jeśli istnieje co najmniej jedno Ognisko wybiera jedno i nim gra [...]'
The translation suggests that the opponent is playing the chosen Focus card instead of the current player.

Less obvious:

Translation: 'Ognisko'
Polish 'ognisko' is a 'focus' in physics, but all the game is about focusing your mind to regain your knowledge. If so, I would propose sth like: 'Skupienie' or 'Koncentracja'.

'recurring Ke'
Translation: 'powtarząjące się Ke'
In this game 'recurring Ke' is like mana level, energy you can use and renew afterwards; 'ephemeral Ke' is temporary, after you use it - it's gone. I'm not sure what the translation should be like, but in my opinion 'odnawialne Ke', 'odnawiające się Ke' or 'stałe Ke' (as opposed to 'ephemeral Ke' = 'efemerycznego Ke') is more suitable.

Translation: 'Pamiętaj strząsnąć'
I'm not sure what 'talomus' means in this context, but the translation looks more like a joke to me...

What do you think? What can I do about it?

P.S. Should I write here about translations in polish in the future? :)
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Re: Time Masters: Polish translation should be corrected

Post by Trociu »

about "PS" - Tak :) Jest temat tylko dla polskich tłumaczy nawet: http://forum.boardgamearena.com/viewtop ... lit=polish

Poprawiłęm to o co prosiłaś poza rzeczami których nie byłaś pewna - nie znam gry i póki co nie będę tego ruszał, ale postaram się ja zaraz poznać i poprawić to (albo zrobi to za mnie kto inny :) )
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Re: Time Masters: Polish translation should be corrected

Post by Trzynastka »

Dzięki wielkie, na przyszłość będę pisać w podanym temacie. :)
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