Improve Groups: List open group games that can be joined

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Improve Groups: List open group games that can be joined

Post by antonkawasaki »

Being able to create Groups is a great idea, but it doesn't have all the features it should.

When group members open tables restricted to that group only, there's no way of other group members knowing about it -- unless they post about it (but not everyone sees such messages, and they can get annoying if this is done for EVERY new game).

It would be amazing if when you go into BGA, you not only see the games that you're currently playing, but a list of ready-to-join games that other group members have started. This would jump-start new group games and not leave people waiting around forever for others to join.

The point of making a group is so that like-minded members can play with people they already know or share a similar interest with. Anything that can facilitate this would be MUCH appreciated!

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Re: Improve Groups: List open group games that can be joined

Post by brisdaz »

I am an admin of Talkative and Friendly BGA group and would love to have this feature.

Any news?
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Re: Improve Groups: List open group games that can be joined

Post by Blacktango »

You can see the list of the tables you can join, including tables created by someone in a group you are in.

This list is available on the details page of a game, or for multiple games at once, on the "old lobby" page.

This may not be exactly what you mean, as you will see all the available tables, not just those created by a member of the group, and you will have to choose between turn-by-turn or living-play mode.
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Re: Improve Groups: List open group games that can be joined

Post by Vataro »

Yes, my friend group just recently started a group and were very surprised this isn't already a feature. Groups don't seem super useful (especially considering you can limit joining a game to a particular group) if there's no way for that group to actually see the open game easily.

Posting the game on the group chat/message board doesn't help a lot when there's no way to tell if the game is still open or not. I've been manually deleting my messages once the table starts, but that isn't a tenable long-term solution. Nor is the "lobby" mentioned by Blacktango, considering that shows all public lobbies too, and also seems to be limited to your favorite games by default...
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Re: Improve Groups: List open group games that can be joined

Post by ViolentSilence »

I suggested three improvements for groups a good while ago: is the one most like what you are asking

Those may also be of interest
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Re: Improve Groups: List open group games that can be joined

Post by Dalmony »

I raised this exact thing as a votable suggestion to be looked at. Here it is if you want to vote for it:
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Re: Improve Groups: List open group games that can be joined

Post by brisdaz »

Whilst I do want this feature I think the BGA developers may not want it as it makes it harder to find games if you're not part of a group. It becomes cliquey. Perhaps one solution to this is to make group organizers have a paid subscription where this feature could be implemented for that group only.
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Re: Improve Groups: List open group games that can be joined

Post by ElChangoPelon »

I'm very surprised this is not baked into the group page. I recently joined BPA, but joined a group with a few people I know that has a few dozen players. It may be 'cliquey' to want to create a game for my group, but it is an option and one of the reasons for groups to exist at all. It's clear we are on here to play with people we want to play with. (and I play open games too - not just my group - but I like learning new games with the group).

Simply put a column on the right hand side of the group page that lists currently open games for that group. That will help those games get filled and get more playing on the site!

And/Or on the interface page where it shows the list of games you are currently in, also have a tab that show a list of open tables for groups you belong too.

The issue here is that, while I don't want to play, say Catan, at all in the open world, I may play it if I find people in my group want to get started learning the game and want to play with known peers for their first few rounds. Thus the desire to not have to click on the game (I'll never click on catan to see what is open), but to show restricted availability either in the group or games list.
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