**The issue has been resolved!
If, like us, you encounter a bug that prevent you from continuing the campaign, just abandon the game collectively and start the game again with the same players (don't forget to select the 'continue' option !!!)
Below is the original post.
Thanks Moof for the help!!**
We played the My City campaign up to episode 22.
We then had a bug that made some players unable to play.
I asked BGA if it was possible to restart the episode to (maybe) fix the bug. Zero answer.
So we could not make it to the end of the campaign (episode 24... so close!!).
The bug we encountered had already been reported for a while.
I'm not blaming the devs, they have a lot on their plate and as I understand they are volunteers.
But it would have been nice if BGA had provided us with a solution. Instead they ignored us completely.
So, if you want to start a campaign, I would advise you to check the bug page, and if some bugs are still pending, it would be wise to postpone starting your campaign.
I know some people didn't encounter the bug and were able to finish the campaign, but if this issue happens to you, trust me, your group won't be happy.
I just wanted to warn others to avoid them a big disappointment.
If, like us, you encounter a bug that prevent you from continuing the campaign, just abandon the game collectively and start the game again with the same players (don't forget to select the 'continue' option !!!)
Below is the original post.
Thanks Moof for the help!!**
We played the My City campaign up to episode 22.
We then had a bug that made some players unable to play.
I asked BGA if it was possible to restart the episode to (maybe) fix the bug. Zero answer.
So we could not make it to the end of the campaign (episode 24... so close!!).
The bug we encountered had already been reported for a while.
I'm not blaming the devs, they have a lot on their plate and as I understand they are volunteers.
But it would have been nice if BGA had provided us with a solution. Instead they ignored us completely.
So, if you want to start a campaign, I would advise you to check the bug page, and if some bugs are still pending, it would be wise to postpone starting your campaign.
I know some people didn't encounter the bug and were able to finish the campaign, but if this issue happens to you, trust me, your group won't be happy.
I just wanted to warn others to avoid them a big disappointment.