Highlight income and bonuses on boards

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Highlight income and bonuses on boards

Post by psimeon »

A useful feature for teaching new players the rules and for quickly scanning your boards for income is to highlight any income and bonus spaces the player has fully surrounded on their home boards, islands, and buildings.

My friends and I just played our first game after watching a rules explanation, and we somehow all missed the fact that a bonus space needs to be surrounded in all eight directions, not just the four cardinal directions. Most of us figured it out after a few rounds (the hard way), but I ended up missing at least ten bonus tiles due to my misunderstanding this rule.

Just as new tiles placed on the board are highlighted in green or red, bonus spaces and the active income spaces could be permanently highlighted, outlined, or marked with a symbol denoting that you have activated these spaces (plus a tooltip when hovering).

This feature would improve the visibility of income and bonuses when the boards are cluttered.
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Re: Highlight income and bonuses on boards

Post by BlackHatGuy »

:thumbs up:
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Re: Highlight income and bonuses on boards

Post by robinzig »

Feel free to make an official suggestion (the developer is far more likely to see it there than here on the forum) - you can first see if this has been previously suggested here (and if so, upvote that report and/or add a comment - I couldn't find one just now but it's a big list and I didn't go that far back in history), and if not, use the button to raise a new report.
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Re: Highlight income and bonuses on boards

Post by psimeon »

Thank you for the suggestions. I just made an official suggestion here.
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