Arena & statistics

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Joined: 08 October 2014, 14:47

Arena & statistics

Post by Azoken »


I'm interested in a statistic, and i would like to know if it could be made available.

I've heard about the player going first being favored, so i'd like to know the % of game won by the player going first. May be it was already asked ?

Another potential request would be to know the win% of player with side entrance in play at the end of game. i'm sure a top 10 would be interesting as well, but that is way more complicated i imagine, so i mostly want to know about the player going first.

If it's (too much) work then forget it :)

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Joined: 03 June 2015, 02:16

Re: Arena & statistics

Post by vikingerik »

There's one piece of evidence here. On the player statistics page, there's an entry for "Starting position in first round". For winners, that is 1.46. (I think this is all games, not just Arena.)

If all games are 2-player, that means the starting player is winning 54% of the time. And that 1.46 is slightly inflated by some games having more players, so the real average starting position for 2-player winners is even lower which means the starting advantage is even higher.

That's surprisingly high, higher than I would have guessed, a differential of close to 10% (roughly 55 to 45.) The advantage must come from before the first break. Having the initiative on picking the first partner zoo or university can be significant, and so can having one more action before the first break, including that the second player has to play around that possibility (like playing only one animal sooner instead of taking a second build action in case the first player breaks.)
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