Propose to only allow abandon game instead of expelling a player that has not played yet

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Propose to only allow abandon game instead of expelling a player that has not played yet

Post by algugino »

How do you propose that the game is changed to only allow abandon game instead of expelling a player in the very beginning of the game? Things happen that it is easy to miss the start of a game, especially if you have been waiting for a long time to catch a game in arena. It seems ridiculous that if you haven’t even played, you can be expelled. Courtesy, I believe most people would just abandon but there are some that expel the second someone goes into the negative. Would love to see the rule changed.
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Re: Propose to only allow abandon game instead of expelling a player that has not played yet

Post by old_fart »

I agree that sometimes you have to wait a long time to get into a game. And maybe, now is a bad time. In this instance,
don't accept the game.

So the next reason why you would want to abandon a game before you played. Is that some strong hands our played right from the start.
And you hate what you have. This could get abused very much, unless some type of control is put on it.
Let's say a person could do it once every so often. Easy to implement, check the user's profile to see the date stamp when he did it last.
If not set, or date set is beyond limit, then allow it and update the time stamp. I'm a retired developer.

I never see people wanting to abandon a game when they are winning.
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Re: Propose to only allow abandon game instead of expelling a player that has not played yet

Post by StruggleBus »

I totally agree, especially late night gaming——perhaps just an option comes up to give players the choice to abandon instead of booting. Some dont know how to abandon instead.Or even just first turn longer period of time before it gives option to kick.i just was booted in 28 seconds because i was in a different tab and didnt realize, and Sjkoufax76 Booted even though another player stated they messaged me. I saw message but was already too late.
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