Was this user error?

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Joined: 17 December 2021, 05:40

Was this user error?

Post by goldensmith »

Table #464734906
I know Watson is guilty. Inspector Lestrade was in the space below Watson. I clicked the Inspector to move then tapped on Watson to accuse. Instead of accusing, the game interface moved Inspector to the space above Watson. Ugh!
Did I do something wrong or was this an error with interface?

(I’m wanting to confirm before posting as bug)
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Joined: 07 April 2023, 07:48

Re: Was this user error?

Post by vidicate0 »

Ooh that’s rough luck. BGA doesn’t have as much undo or action confirmation features as some people would like. In Mr. Jack you definitely have to be careful where you click/tap once you’ve selected any character.
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