Why italians rules are diffrent from english ones?

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Why italians rules are diffrent from english ones?

Post by Falzano »

I'm italian, so I always read italian version of "How to play", wicht tells that you're not allowed to suggest strategies on chat (i.e. wich card play, who to target first, which card take when General, and so on).

After some discussion with players that didn't respect that rules, and standing that they denied the existence of that rule, I swiched my language to english and... they're right.
In english version of "How to play" screen, there's no mention about what you're allowed or not allowed talking about, while in italian version a lot of things are expressely described as forbidden.

I'm here to:
- apologize with the non-italian guys about my accuses of breaking rules
- ask what are the OFFICIAL rules of bang in BGA (regarding what you can or can not say in chat)
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Re: Why italians rules are diffrent from english ones?

Post by Jellby »

The "How to play" pages are just wiki pages that anyone can edit and add/remove whatever they like. They're not official rules or binding in any way. Videos on youtube are also not (typically) official rules. But in any case, any official rules regarding what can or cannot be said, cannot really be enforced, so in practice they won't be more than guidelines.

That said, the English FAQ (linked in the game page, I guess it's official too) says:

Q01. Can players talk during the game?
A. Of course! That’s one of the most amusing aspects of the game. However, players cannot ask
questions directly related to the playing of the cards (e.g. they cannot ask the Sheriff if they can
play a Gatling).
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Re: Why italians rules are diffrent from english ones?

Post by Not Anubis »

What do the official rules say outside of BGA? You're right, the English rulebook doesn't mention talking at all so I think it's something players have to agree on before the start of each game.
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Re: Why italians rules are diffrent from english ones?

Post by Falzano »

Also Italian "normal" rulebook don't tell anything about speaking.
But Italian rules for Official Tournament says something similar (even if less restrictive). Also for Tournament, there are different versions depending from the State (I read a North American Tournament Rules and there's nothing forbidden to say).

I unterstand now that "How to play" are not "official rules", neither "official guidelines", so I'll ignore it from now on - maybe a disclaimer "not official rules" is needed?

Btw, I think we can conclude that it's allow to speak quite about all, in chat, right?
Still Dldon't know why who wrote italian page went so severe about that.
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Re: Why italians rules are diffrent from english ones?

Post by Falzano »

I tried to put this kind of disclaimer in italian version of "how to play":

ATTENTION - the part relating to the chat from here onwards is not present in the "How to play" in English as of today 11/1/2024, so players of other nationalities could "legitimately" not follow these guidelines.

I don't see it yet, maybe it will be some time to be diffused, or someone to approve it.
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Re: Why italians rules are diffrent from english ones?

Post by TipoStazione »

Le regole Italiane, sono le stesse in ogni parte del mondo ovviamente, essendo il gioco universalmente gestito dalla DvGames. Le regole sono pubbliche sul sito del campionato di Bang! . Sicuramente andrebbero scritte anche nelle altre lingue.

Suggerire in chat, per me rovina mostruosamente il gioco, ma se un giorno diventasse consentito, ne farei un uso improprio
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Re: Why italians rules are diffrent from english ones?

Post by Falzano »

Ok, però:
1) nelle regole del gioco (quelle che trovi dentro la scatola, per capirci) non si fa menzione riguardo cosa è o non è consentito dire
2) a livello internazionale, anche di torneo, idem (vedi Nord America 2021, scaricabile da qui https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VEXmpG ... NkeIj/view)
3) Indipendentemente dal fatto che un certo comportamento piaccia o meno, credo chebin questo caso i "divieti" dovrebbero essere condivisi e concordati con la community, o quantomeno con sviluppatori e moderatori di BGA al fine di poter segnalare e "punire" eventuali contravventori.

Personalmente, anch'io gradisco di più che si parli poco. Ma se io non lo faccio, mi ritrovo qualcuno che lo fa e non ho armi per poterglielo impedire perché non è una regola codificata e condivisa, è inutile se non controproducente.
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Re: Why italians rules are diffrent from english ones?

Post by SterphenS »

I've always thought table talk was fun in this game, especially if people are claiming they are playing a certain role, because people could always be lying, and that's part of the game, no?
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