Why is nobody playing Real-time Arena games?

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Why is nobody playing Real-time Arena games?

Post by Yuna-chan »

I've got Premium so I'm able to create tables and I've queued for literally hours looking for Real-time Arena games without finding an opponent. Also, how did Soeren manage to get anywhere past Bronze league? The leaderboard is ridiculous. 2nd place is still in Bronze league, whereas Soeren is in the highest league with over 1000 points.

Surely they're cheating?
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Re: Why is nobody playing Real-time Arena games?

Post by ufm »

Check the game record, they are playing turn-based games.
Also, don't forget there are many other popular online Go platforms outside of BGA as well.
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Re: Why is nobody playing Real-time Arena games?

Post by Yuna-chan »

But I assume ranks are reset at the end of each season. How did they accumulate enough points to get to Elite without anybody else making it out of Bronze? Literally nobody else is out of Bronze.
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Re: Why is nobody playing Real-time Arena games?

Post by Ceaseless »

Yuna-chan wrote: 28 January 2024, 02:40 But I assume ranks are reset at the end of each season. How did they accumulate enough points to get to Elite without anybody else making it out of Bronze? Literally nobody else is out of Bronze.
You went to "surely they're cheating" and you haven't even checked their game records?
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Re: Why is nobody playing Real-time Arena games?

Post by Soeren »

Hey there,
as far as I am aware, there is only Bronze and Elite league for Go right now.
I'm not realy an expert on how Arena works in detail, but I think BGA tries to somewhat flexibly decide on which/how many different tiers of leagues there are for any given game.
So for games that have more players than us, you will see Bronze -> Silver -> Gold -> Platinum -> Elite, here it's just straight from Bronze.

For cheating, I don't. I just queued for a couple of turn-based games, so once some more have finished their current games, I am sure others will get to Elite league and very likely overtake me, unless I play more games myself.
(A bit offtopic, though, I am pretty confident in that some users here were using AI during games, though not in any of the games I have played this season, yet.)

It's usually hard to find real-time Arena games here, which is why I tend to go for turn-based.
Most people just tend to play on Fox, OGS, KGS or some other server for real-time games, since finding games there is a lot easier. :)

Oh, and also the "points" you have in Elite-league are different to the ones you have before.
Once you reach Elite, it shows something more in line with an Elo-score, whereas before it is just "reach 10 points to get to the next tier!", so you will gain a lot "more points" then and also not start on 0. Think 1500 is the base, but I can't say for sure, as I said earlier, not really an expert in the implementation of Arena here.
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Re: Why is nobody playing Real-time Arena games?

Post by Yuna-chan »

Aaah, I apologize for my accusations. I wasn't aware that Go on BGA only has Bronze and Elite. Every other game I've checked has multiple ranks in-between the two, so I found it weird how you'd seemed to have jumped straight to Elite.
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