Pixies Tutorial String Updates

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Pixies Tutorial String Updates

Post by PillarAngel »

Hello translators!

I am the author of the Pixies tutorial. To add a bit more clarity in just two comments of the tutorial, I changed, added, and removed a couple of strings. Due to the unfortunate consequence of doing this being that the old strings get removed for all languages, I'm making this post to let people know ahead of time before the changes take effect.

Below is a list of all the changes made to the tutorial for reference. Thank you translators for your work! :D

Original: Starting with the first player, each player will select a card to place on their grid in the slot that *matches the number on the card*.
Updated: Starting with a random player, each player, in turn order, selects one of the cards to place in their grid in the slot that *matches the number on the card they chose*.

-[tip] A card can be one of *4* colors: red, green, blue, and yellow.
-Some cards are *multicolored* and count as *all 4 colors*!

[tip] A card might count as multiple colors!
Note: After the removed string was the following string, which remains unchanged, but the fact that "[tip]" was technically "added" to it, it may get removed, despite being the same as before: [tip] You can check a card's color at the bottom of the card, designated by a colored square and a unique icon for each color.
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