What does "Dark edition" do?

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What does "Dark edition" do?

Post by ErikLevin »

What does the option "Dark edition" do? I've read up and understood that both Dark Edition and More Wickedness added the wickedness track (but one was an expansion and one was a full game release).
So what is the difference between the Dark edition and More Wickedness settings? What happens if we set both?

I'm wanting to update the wiki, describing all options, but I don't understand what this setting does. I could do a bunch of testing to try and figure it out, but if someone knows exactly how it works, that's quicker. :)

EDIT: While I'm at it, what does the Power-Up! option "Enabled with Mutant Evolution variant" do?
The wiki says
Variants of Evolutions
- Active Evolution: Players start with a random evolution from the deck in play immediately.
- Controlled Evolution: When a player draws a evolution, they instead draw two and put one under their deck.
- Evolution Draft: All players get 8 random evolutions. Each keep one and passes the rest to the left, and repeat until all players keep 8 evolutions. These evolutions form their decks.
Which makes it sound like there should be three additional options for which evolution variant(s) to use. I can't see any such options appear.
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Re: What does "Dark edition" do?

Post by FluffyWuffy1 »

Dark Edition enables Wickedness by default, so the additional setting for Wickedness does nothing other than govern which side of the Wickedness tiles will be used. Dark edition also adds new artwork and physical items, plus a few promotional Power Cards. That's about it.

Mutant Evos have a random select phase prior to the game starting, where monsters draw from all available Evos, even those belonging to another monster. It's the draft thing you mentioned in your post. I avoid this variant like the plague - half the time someone has run out of time before a single die has been rolled

Controlled Evolution is the normal setting for Power Up, and it's always active at BGA. Active Evo is not available at BGA, and sounds like a home game variant to me.
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