New ELO system kills this

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New ELO system kills this

Post by nicit »

There's so few players for innovation that I play a ton of consecutive games with the same opponent, go on a run, and end up winning and getting 0 ELO. Super frustrating. Not going to be playing here anymore with this system in place. Seems like a lot of others feel the same way. Not sure what can be done though. Longer discussion here: viewtopic.php?t=33785

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Re: New ELO system kills this

Post by jgcrawfo »

Power levelling could hurt in a game like Innovation where you do end up in those 1v1 ruts. It's still a fun game though? Can you play it anywhere else? Is ELO that precious?
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Re: New ELO system kills this

Post by KenFin1 »

Is ELO precious? No, but yes, but not exactly but yes.

What do I mean? To start with it doesn't matter. Then you try and improve and it does matter in that reaching a certain milestone is an achievement. Then the aim is to stay in that category right? And with those categories you can find similarly experienced players, or even select higher tiered players to try and improve your skills and go further in the game. ELO systems that destroy and erode ELO at freak losses more than you accrue it in wins are helpful to noone and just demotivate me from trying to improve frankly.

Innovation is a tough game and the strong/expert players are incredible at it. I have to usually select Average or Below if I'm tired and want a chance of winning. On a good day I can sometimes beat a 200ELO good player but it's not guaranteed. The ELO system now in place will over time trend everyone towards 200-300 ELO. This will happen more rapidly in games with smaller player bases, and assuming the people currently playing them keep doing so without significant numbers of new players joining the game and continuing to play it, which for innovation, given current numbers and the moderate learning curve, is not likely.

Occasional visitors won't really see any difference. ELo points are just a confusing thing that happens. I remember lockdown games and wondering wtf the funny numbers and animation were at game end. We could just ignore it though, and ELO meant nothing in casual games between friends. So ELO in that case was useless. Its use comes later if you stick around on the site, and the new ELO changes make it worse for long term users of the site.

Which is a long way of saying

TLDR the old ELO system wasn't perfect but to me it seems it was a lot better than the current implementation.
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Re: New ELO system kills this

Post by MiYvLe »

Moi aussi je trouve frustrant le nouveau calcul du ELO.
Je joue régulièrement avec les mêmes amis BGA. J'ai remarqué qu'après 3 victoires contre un même ami, les points ELO alloués au gagnant sont déjà retranchés (voir 481931796 - Backgammon): j'ai obtenu +6 point ELO et mon ami perdant a obtenu -8 point ELO. Donc en jouant avec mes amis et avec des séquences consécutives de victoires et défaites, au final moi et mes amis se faisons retrancher des ELO points. C'est encore pire après 5 victoires consécutives.

Exemple :
481931796 (3 victoires consécutives de MiYvLe) : MiYvLe : +6 ELO / edma : -8 ELO
481487968 (4 victoires consécutives de edma) : edma : +6 ELO / MiYvLe : -11 ELO

Alors, pourquoi BGA offre t-il la possibilité d'avoir des amis? C'est drôlement frustrant.
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