Automatic passing

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Automatic passing

Post by Awesem90 »

This is a well done port of the card game. The one thing that would take it from Beta to "Finished" for me, would be automatic passing when you wouldn't be able to follow anyway (e.g. one player plays a set and you only have unique cards).
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ChronicB Gamer
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Re: Automatic passing

Post by ChronicB Gamer »

I wouldn't want this as it gives information to the other players. If it was to be implemented it should only be as a checkbox, so people would need to opt in. It would then be like a player not even looking at there cards and passing, giving away they don't have anything to beat that.
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Re: Automatic passing

Post by Jochem285 »

I would like to see this implemented as a checkbox as well. This is useful in turn based games, less useful in real time.
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Re: Automatic passing

Post by zoomboom »

Maybe have it automatically wait a configurably random amount of time, so other players don't suspect. ;)

But maybe that's not possible.
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