Server error when trying to validate answers

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Server error when trying to validate answers

Post by bogdownavitch »

Can anyone help here.

We’re in the middle of a game myself and one other player are on the black team. We’re trying to validate our guesses for whites clues. The player to validate first is able to submit their answer, but which ever player is last to validate is getting an error:
Unexpected error: error while processing database request (/reference GS3 30/09 09:07:55)

If we cancel the validation and the other player tries to submit their answers first!they are able to, but again, the last player to validate their answers gets the same error.

If so there any known solution for this please?
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Re: Server error when trying to validate answers

Post by NeanderthalMan »

Surprising that no one has responded. This is a persistent problem that happens late in Decrypto games where, usually in the 8th/final round, the last player at the table to validate their selection cannot. They get a server error like you submitted and there is no way to resolve. Refreshing or logging in/out doesn't fix anything. The only option is to collectively agree to abandon the game or kick the player who cannot validate when they inevitably run out of time. I've had the issue happen as early as the 5th round and it happens in 90%+ of games that reach the 8th round, whether real time or turn based.

Players have reached out to the dev who has reportedly been unresponsive. A bug report has been open since Sep 2023 and has more than double the green thumbs of any other Decrypto bug report ( ) and at least eight other reports have been opened on the same issue and nothing has been fixed, if anything it seems to be increasing in frequency.
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