Am I missing a rule? Can't select an order card

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Am I missing a rule? Can't select an order card

Post by Speusippus »

I'm in the middle of a turn based game, table number 478033698

I took the "port" action. It showed me the port interface. It says "you may select a low to high order card." When I hover over the cards, my cursor does turn into a "selector" icon.

But clicking on a card does nothing.

When I click, there's no visual indication that I clicked the card. And when I click "acquire" it says I have to select a card first. But click and click as I might, the card is not selected.

What might I be missing?
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Re: Am I missing a rule? Can't select an order card

Post by Thor »

There is a hand limit of 3 cars. Could that have been your problem?
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Re: Am I missing a rule? Can't select an order card

Post by marktempeit »

I think there is also a bug, let's say: if you close the port tile and then open it again, it does not allow to choose anything. The only workaround I found is to cancel the move (it can always be done at that point) and then do it again.
I don't remember if I tried to simply refresh the page, but the above idea works.
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