Tichu Table Talk Rules

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Tichu Table Talk Rules

Post by 808808808 »

I feel clarification is needed for some players that think some table talk pertaining to guidance etc is acceptable, or they just have a very casual attitude to rules.

I have witnessed several incidents of table talk from guidance of a pairing's should be aim for that round to suggestions another bomb exists when another player has called GT and when a further bomb didn't exist, and other examples. This is not in accordance with fair play at best, rule-breaking at worst.

Taken from other similar games that I have played, such as Bridge, I believe there should be no table talk that might coach or guide your partner in any way, or influence your partner or the opponents whilst the round is being played. It doesn't matter whether you think, or not, that your partner will already know, or that your partner subsequently says they knew what you had just told them.

This is all part of playing with random partners, or partners that are maybe not as experienced as you are. I have wanted to say something to partners on several previous occasions but have had to bite my tongue and stay silent.

Once the round has finished it is then fine to make comment or discuss.

Obviously, if you are playing in a group of four friends you will have your own understanding of what is acceptable and what is not.
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Re: Tichu Table Talk Rules

Post by gohladucan »

There is so much table talk on this platform. If you say something people get really upset about it too.
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