REQUEST: Select Asymmetric Planets and Corporations

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REQUEST: Select Asymmetric Planets and Corporations

Post by xmakina »

Would it be possible to let players choose their corporation and planet before game starts? I'd be happy for this to be an optional setting, I can understand not wanting this when playing amongst strangers lest they always pick an OP combination.
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Re: REQUEST: Select Asymmetric Planets and Corporations

Post by Cheshcatt »

Yes, PLEASE. :) This would be immensely helpful. When I play with friends, we always Abandon a new game several times to get configurations we want to play. (I do not play with strangers for this exact reason.) None of us like Pajinov or Petra. Makeshift is far too powerful: that Corp always wins and steals all the Civ cards. Oasis can also have too strong an advantage. So those are options we don’t play anymore.

As an addendum, is there any reason players can’t play the SAME configuration, i.e., the same Corp and/or planet? :geek:
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