Abuse of the “cancel move” button

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Abuse of the “cancel move” button

Post by flyingtuna »

It’s driving me insane.

People do it 5,6 times until they find the perfect move that they didn’t see before.

You should get one cancel, that’s it.
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Re: Abuse of the “cancel move” button

Post by ahyangyi »

Why do you think that's abuse?
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Re: Abuse of the “cancel move” button

Post by notslar5 »

I am just beginning Seasons and got expelled because I could not figure out how to cancel a move. How does one cancel a move?

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Re: Abuse of the “cancel move” button

Post by Bhaouloute »

I disagree with your proposition.

But there is actually a little problem with this button : it works after playing Amsug and your opponents took back a power card. I never used iy to cheat but you can actually change your mind when you know what card yout opponent takes back.
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