On Equal Score

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Re: On Equal Score

Post by gal_gal »

My view is slight off, I do believe going second and winning by tie is acceptable, thought not optimal due to reason you mention of first pick being the hardest.
However what I deem extremely unfair in the case of winning by tie (which happens to my quite a bunch) is the following:

1. I get first pick,
2. opponent chooses first pick,
3. opponent wins by tie.

In this case my opponent gets an extra move on me! as being both first and putting the last tile. Now one can argue that this was him outplaying me, but it still seems unfair. My opinion on this particular situation is to end by actual tie, as is found in other games.
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Re: On Equal Score

Post by Anders07 »

Hello LITS's specialists.

After nearly sixty games I still have the same feeling on something: I have the impression that vs a very good player does, it is (almost) impossible to win if this very good player plays second, except for an unlikely mistake on his part. What do you think? Wouldn't getting a BGA favor with a tie for a draw be? BGA is studying the question or should we be fatalistic on this side?
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Re: On Equal Score

Post by RicardoRix »

Anders07 wrote: 13 January 2022, 17:02 Hello LITS's specialists.

After nearly sixty games I still have the same feeling on something: I have the impression that vs a very good player does, it is (almost) impossible to win if this very good player plays second, except for an unlikely mistake on his part. What do you think? Wouldn't getting a BGA favor with a tie for a draw be? BGA is studying the question or should we be fatalistic on this side?
Isn't it just that you're playing against a better player?
The PI rule should negate any kind of 1st player / 2nd player advantage.
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Re: On Equal Score

Post by T72on1 »

Going first is a disadvantage in my opinion. How much depends on how much time you want to spend on that first move. And experience. Both combined can almost negate the disadvantage.
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The Luggage
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Re: On Equal Score

Post by The Luggage »

Just my two pennies' worth, I fully support changing the current tiebreaker rule. Preferably, to 'whoever went first wins', or if not, just call it a draw. 'Last player to place a piece wins' is unfair and ill-suited to this game.
Grant Badger Fox
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Re: On Equal Score

Post by Grant Badger Fox »

I don't know how to prove my identity, but I am the original designer of this game. I deleted my BGA account in 2021 because I was having rough experiences with the board gaming hobby (in part because the quarantine trapped me with non-gamers, in part because the pandemic cut off nestorgames's access to the necessary supplies for making my games and led to the termination of our publication agreements) and I just didn't want to be part of "the scene" anymore. I still don't want to design games anymore; it seemed to get harder and harder to get any useful feedback as time went on because I gravitate towards designing AbStrats, and nobody in "the scene" plays those. Kenku and Spheniscine helped persuade me to come back. Playing Fluxx with strangers online is kind of nice, so I guess I'm glad they did.

I grant the BGA community permission to tinker with my two games (Battle of LITS and Mammalath) in any manner that they desire. Change the tie-breaker? Make the board bigger? Do something else? Go ahead. However, Jack Lance, AKA ZPolansky, the original programmer of this game's BGA adaptation, is deceased (source: https://wpc.puzzles.com/uspc2023/), so someone else would have to do the actual implementation of any proposed rule changes.

Thank you for continuing to enjoy my game even when I couldn't enjoy any games anymore.
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