Is Pingimus really suitable as a competitive game?

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Is Pingimus really suitable as a competitive game?

Post by ErikLevin »

I've started playing Pingimus on Arena and the game's mechanics leave me a little torn... Playing to win, as is ostensibly the goal in Arena, seems to contradict the "spirit of the game" somewhat.

The crux is the game mechanic to vote which guesses are "the same".

If you're trying to win:
- When you're voting at a picture and you're uncertain if you're right, you should always ask to combine your vote with every other answer that could be correct. Regardless of what those words are. So that you are more likely to get the point.
- When the phase to vote on combination suggestive comes up, if others have asked to combine answers on your drawing, you should always vote yes to all of them, regardless of what the words really are. So that more players vote correctly and you get more points.

Ignoring the actual guesses and combining terms that absolutely don't mean the same thing, is the right move to get points, but makes it kind of arbitrary.

So maybe
- The ability to vote to combine guesses should be disabled in Arena. Only the exact same guesses combine with each other, automatically (as today), no other guesses can be combined.
- Arena should be disabled? Other games that involve kind of subjective player voting on whether a guess is correct or not (Concept is one example), typically have competitive mode disabled.

Edit: I almost forgot. There is also no way to enforce the "no letters" rule! Or should we report players who add a stray letter for cheating? :P Again opens up to be slightly arbitrary and another possible strike against this being a competitive game.
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Re: Is Pingimus really suitable as a competitive game?

Post by lexicam »

Perhaps I'm biased because I've had a lot of success in Pingimus (OK, I'm certainly biased), but I do think it is more suited for competitive gameplay than something like Concept. A few specific thoughts to comments you make
- Fortunately, in my Arena and Rated games I have not seen any recurring issues with someone using letters in their clues.
- If/when someone manipulates the 'combining guesses' as you suggest, I think it can work against them. When I see suggestions to group non-like terms, that is usually an indication to me of one of the wrong answers. As long as you play with at least 5 people, then one person suggesting grouping their term, plus the drawer who may want to increase their score, would still need one more person to get a majority to combine terms.
- As a drawer, I do my best to distinguish my clue from other similar possibilities. For instance, I'll add a 'sounds like ring' to distinguish painting from just paint. And so I will ruthlessly vote against combining those 2, even though they are similar. With that said, others approach this differently which makes combining similar guesses a necessary part of the game.

Just my 2 cents
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