Too lucky to win?

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Too lucky to win?

Post by 0rsk1 »

Just had weird/interesting game of Yahtzee. At the start of the game I was rolling low, s/he was getting 5's and 6's all the time. Literally, first rounds were "score 29pts on quads", "score 28 pts on triplets". He got 24 pts on 6's too... This is about time to give up, but I'm not one giving up, so I continued. So did s/he's luck. But then something didn't change, s/he's still rolling a lot of 5's and 6's. But you already have scored about every category were you can use those.

Bypassing a lot of the game, s/he couldn't score large straight, since never in initial roll there was a good opportunity to try for it.

So as title says, can you be too lucky to win? (ok, so I assume rolling higher = higher chance of winning)

Here are our overall stats of rolling 5 or higher and less than 5:
Opponent : 5 or higher : 51 times, lower than 5 : 56 times. Rolls overall : 107
Me : 5 or higher : 33 times, lower than 5 : 78 times. Rolls overall : 111

Scores :
Opponent : 242
Me : 267

I just had to share this. BTW, I usually don't go through dice roll statistics but in this game I just had to since it felt lopsided. :)

Lucky isn't just rolling 5's and 6's it seems. LOL :D
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Re: Too lucky to win?

Post by nccc »

apparently not lucky enough as he didnt get yathzee? lol
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