Games wanted for BGA / Jeux demandés sur BGA

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Re: Games wanted for BGA / Jeux demandés sur BGA

Post by MercrediAddams »


Voici quelques jeux qui pourraient être sympas à jouer sur BGA. Si jamais ça tente de les mettre en ligne :
- Panic in the air
- Momiji
- Triqueta
- Le bal des chaudrons
- Shokoba
- Punto
- Project L
- Dicycle Race
- Sagrada

A bon entendeur ! ;)
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Re: Games wanted for BGA / Jeux demandés sur BGA

Post by board33 »

Keltovignel wrote: 01 September 2023, 14:45 Apparently there is a card game called 'Guan Dan' or 掼蛋 that is very popular in China. Would be nice if someone could implement that in BGA to see if this can help improve its popularity to the rest of the world.
+1 for Guan Dan. This is getting extreme popular in China now. Let me put it this way. This is becoming a national game.

BGG link is
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Re: Games wanted for BGA / Jeux demandés sur BGA

Post by zoobert »

wrecker wrote: 18 March 2024, 18:30 Age of Steam would be great
Yes support that. It would be AMAZING !!!
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Re: Games wanted for BGA / Jeux demandés sur BGA

Post by Jacko9627 »

Johny Rocket wrote: 10 December 2022, 09:59 I would love to see Firefly the board game added to BGA. Its hands down my favourite. What are the chances of that happening?
I second this motion! ;)
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Re: Games wanted for BGA / Jeux demandés sur BGA

Post by andi330 »

Wyrmspan would be nice to see. Also Welcome to the Moon.
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Re: Games wanted for BGA / Jeux demandés sur BGA

Post by Red Dawn »

andi330 wrote: 10 April 2024, 16:38 Wyrmspan would be nice to see. Also Welcome to the Moon.
Welcome to the moon is already coming! The publisher announced it in an interview on YT, it should arrive before the end of the year.
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Re: Games wanted for BGA / Jeux demandés sur BGA

Post by RaZLiChNa »

i want to give a suggestion for a new multiplayer game - Mysterium. It`s fun cooperative game.
I would be grateful if you would consider adding this game to your gaming world.

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Re: Games wanted for BGA / Jeux demandés sur BGA

Post by landon1013 »

Imperial 2030? I think this would be an awesome addition to the site, not to mention perfect for turn based play.
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Re: Games wanted for BGA / Jeux demandés sur BGA

Post by TigerAce »

Azul: Queen's Garden please!
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Re: Games wanted for BGA / Jeux demandés sur BGA

Post by Figurwar »

Counter Attack the football strategy game
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