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Options description

Post by BruceGee »

It's great that this game is on BGA -- it's one of my favorites.
It would be nice to have the different options explained somewhere -- I couldn't find a description anywhere on the main page. What is "Initiation Game" -- is it the same as an "introductory game" in the English rules?
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Wood Rat
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Joined: 20 July 2013, 05:59

Re: Options description

Post by Wood Rat »

I have the exact same question. I didn't think of 'introduction', and searching the forums for 'Initiation Game' I see lots of French posts which appear to talk about an introduction game, so I bet that's it!
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Joined: 15 April 2020, 21:47

Re: Options description

Post by ESPNY »

can anyone explain what natural topography option is? how does this work and where are the rules for it? not in pdf or in the rules explanation.
Would be good to have all these options explained in the rules summary on BGA.
Thank you for any input
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