Intro: I play 4-player games exclusively, so it is meant for 4-player games
Note: 2, 3, 5 player games are different and the goods' value and their use is changing
Note: I play 'classical' games only, cause I am convinced that 'balanced' option breaks the strategic depth of the game
The strategic value of CORN v INDIGO v SUGAR v TOBACCO v COFFEE
The development of goods is essential so which goods are being developed in what order and mass is of utter importance.
There are 5 types of goods and they have 2 purposes:
- Scoring: to turn them into VP chips (points) through shipping
- Economic: to trade them in the Trading House for db; with Factory get db for produced types through crafting
As of which strategy is being pursuit the development of each type is valued
so to classify:
Cheap goods:
Middle good:
High end goods:
As of such the cheap goods can be easier mass produced and shipped, while the high end goods are more difficult to obtain and have high end pay off in the Trading House and are so valued for building.
For obtaining goods a plantation of the type of the good with appropriate production building needs to be manned (for Corn, only the plantation).
For each good except Corn there is a Large production building (3x of each) and for Indigo and Sugar there is also a Small production building (4x of each).
As such it limits the mass of each type of good to be produced (with one Craft):
Corn - is limited only by the plantation count on your island and there are 10 Corn plantations with Seat 3 & Seat 4 starting with one, so there are at most 8 to be able to be obtained
Indigo - with both production buildings there are 4 slots so at most 4 Indigos may be mass produced (5 with choosing Craftsman)
Sugar - with both production buildings there are 4 slots so at most 4 Sugar may be mass produced (5 with choosing Craftsman)
Tobacco - there is only 3 slot production building so at most 3 Tobacco can be produced (4 with choosing Craftsman)
Coffee - there is only 2 slot production building so at most 2 Coffee can be produced (3 with choosing Craftsman)
So to produce beyond Corn the production building must be bought prior and then manned, so there is the economic entry barrier.
Also a plantation needs to be obtained and manned, there are in the draw (plantations):
11x Sugar
10x Indigo (with another 1+1 already on island of seat 1 and seat 2)
9x Tobacco
8x Corn (with another 1+1 already on island of seat 3 and seat 4)
8x Coffee
In the supply there are 11 Sugar and 11 Indigo barrels with 10 Corn and 9 Tobacco and 9 Coffee
So these put a great pressure on Craftsman, because if player seated after you crafts he produces first and you will be producing last so may not be able to produce goods because of barrel supply limit.
Cheap Goods
is the easy to produce cause there is only 1 colonist needed per 1 corn plantation, so in the early game is able to mass 1-2+ Corn fast, and therefore is suit for any shipper strategy
on the other hand the trade value is 0 db but can be enhanced with markets and trader bonus
is also very easy obtained cause the Small plant is the cheapest building in the game with 1 db and with manned Quarry (1x) is free
the large Indigo plant is also very accesible for 3 db,
to mass produce Indigo though 2 colonist are needed per barrel so to get it online fast, Hospice is needed otherwise it gets time to get enough colonists
and so the very early game shippment goes lost (unless also have 1+ Corn)
can be traded for 1 db though so the first Indigo trade can be very lucrative if also trading with selecting Trader which can power up the early game
Corn and Indigo are also very valued for Factory play cause can be cheaply obtained early and prove db from Factory Crafting
To beware is what goods are the other players developing (as of which plantations they have), cause if seat before you is massing Corn he will fill the Corn boat and you will have hard time shipping your Corn, so you want to mass produce different good then the seat before you (or get Warehouse).
The same goes for your trading good, developing a monopoly is very lucrative and makes easier trading opportunity which later can also secure a ship.
Middle good
- is very versatile as can be mass produced and also traded for solid value
- is obtained easily with small sugar mill and therefore is great for Factory as well as for trading, especially the first Sugar trade can be quite the deal
- but all players have an easy access to it as well, though they need to pick a sugar plantation first,
so it is very important what plantations are in the draw and what are being picked in the opening rounds
High end goods
is the easier accesible of the two, so can be developed as soon as round 2 (with seat 2) or round 3 (with seat 3 or seat 4), which can prove a solid early trading advantage and in end game can be even mass produced (3x barrel production)
is the highest trade pay off in the game, but is also fairly expensive to obtain
very dangerous is when finally getting your Coffee online the player seated before you also gets a roaster and you will not trade which can be the game right there, on the other hand if able to get it early and trade it can prove a decisive builder advantage
also blocking the 7 barrel ship (or even any) with Coffee monopoly can kill the shippers or prove to your shipping advantage
So will discuss various worth of goods and their build up in the future here, this intro was to outline the very basic thoughts
Note: 2, 3, 5 player games are different and the goods' value and their use is changing
Note: I play 'classical' games only, cause I am convinced that 'balanced' option breaks the strategic depth of the game
The strategic value of CORN v INDIGO v SUGAR v TOBACCO v COFFEE
The development of goods is essential so which goods are being developed in what order and mass is of utter importance.
There are 5 types of goods and they have 2 purposes:
- Scoring: to turn them into VP chips (points) through shipping
- Economic: to trade them in the Trading House for db; with Factory get db for produced types through crafting
As of which strategy is being pursuit the development of each type is valued
so to classify:
Cheap goods:
Middle good:
High end goods:
As of such the cheap goods can be easier mass produced and shipped, while the high end goods are more difficult to obtain and have high end pay off in the Trading House and are so valued for building.
For obtaining goods a plantation of the type of the good with appropriate production building needs to be manned (for Corn, only the plantation).
For each good except Corn there is a Large production building (3x of each) and for Indigo and Sugar there is also a Small production building (4x of each).
As such it limits the mass of each type of good to be produced (with one Craft):
Corn - is limited only by the plantation count on your island and there are 10 Corn plantations with Seat 3 & Seat 4 starting with one, so there are at most 8 to be able to be obtained
Indigo - with both production buildings there are 4 slots so at most 4 Indigos may be mass produced (5 with choosing Craftsman)
Sugar - with both production buildings there are 4 slots so at most 4 Sugar may be mass produced (5 with choosing Craftsman)
Tobacco - there is only 3 slot production building so at most 3 Tobacco can be produced (4 with choosing Craftsman)
Coffee - there is only 2 slot production building so at most 2 Coffee can be produced (3 with choosing Craftsman)
So to produce beyond Corn the production building must be bought prior and then manned, so there is the economic entry barrier.
Also a plantation needs to be obtained and manned, there are in the draw (plantations):
11x Sugar
10x Indigo (with another 1+1 already on island of seat 1 and seat 2)
9x Tobacco
8x Corn (with another 1+1 already on island of seat 3 and seat 4)
8x Coffee
In the supply there are 11 Sugar and 11 Indigo barrels with 10 Corn and 9 Tobacco and 9 Coffee
So these put a great pressure on Craftsman, because if player seated after you crafts he produces first and you will be producing last so may not be able to produce goods because of barrel supply limit.
Cheap Goods
is the easy to produce cause there is only 1 colonist needed per 1 corn plantation, so in the early game is able to mass 1-2+ Corn fast, and therefore is suit for any shipper strategy
on the other hand the trade value is 0 db but can be enhanced with markets and trader bonus
is also very easy obtained cause the Small plant is the cheapest building in the game with 1 db and with manned Quarry (1x) is free
the large Indigo plant is also very accesible for 3 db,
to mass produce Indigo though 2 colonist are needed per barrel so to get it online fast, Hospice is needed otherwise it gets time to get enough colonists
and so the very early game shippment goes lost (unless also have 1+ Corn)
can be traded for 1 db though so the first Indigo trade can be very lucrative if also trading with selecting Trader which can power up the early game
Corn and Indigo are also very valued for Factory play cause can be cheaply obtained early and prove db from Factory Crafting
To beware is what goods are the other players developing (as of which plantations they have), cause if seat before you is massing Corn he will fill the Corn boat and you will have hard time shipping your Corn, so you want to mass produce different good then the seat before you (or get Warehouse).
The same goes for your trading good, developing a monopoly is very lucrative and makes easier trading opportunity which later can also secure a ship.
Middle good
- is very versatile as can be mass produced and also traded for solid value
- is obtained easily with small sugar mill and therefore is great for Factory as well as for trading, especially the first Sugar trade can be quite the deal
- but all players have an easy access to it as well, though they need to pick a sugar plantation first,
so it is very important what plantations are in the draw and what are being picked in the opening rounds
High end goods
is the easier accesible of the two, so can be developed as soon as round 2 (with seat 2) or round 3 (with seat 3 or seat 4), which can prove a solid early trading advantage and in end game can be even mass produced (3x barrel production)
is the highest trade pay off in the game, but is also fairly expensive to obtain
very dangerous is when finally getting your Coffee online the player seated before you also gets a roaster and you will not trade which can be the game right there, on the other hand if able to get it early and trade it can prove a decisive builder advantage
also blocking the 7 barrel ship (or even any) with Coffee monopoly can kill the shippers or prove to your shipping advantage
So will discuss various worth of goods and their build up in the future here, this intro was to outline the very basic thoughts