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Post by apaksl »

On page 10 of the rules it says "Value: The value of a card is its age number. If a card refers to the value of something you don’t have, like your top purple card if you have none, treat the value as 0."

So if I use the dogma effect of Perfume, "I DEMAND you transfer a top card of different value from any top card on my board from your board to mine! If you do, draw and meld a card of equal value!" when I have no purple cards, shouldn't my opponent have to give me their purple card of value 1 since 1 is greater than 0?
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Joined: 20 September 2020, 03:06

Re: Perfume

Post by apaksl »

ugh, nevermind, I get the wording now. but I'd be shocked if anyone ever properly understood how this card is supposed to work after reading its dogma effect for the first time. some of the wording in this game can be super finicky.
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