How the heck did the developer reject the confirmation button?

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How the heck did the developer reject the confirmation button?

Post by andural69 »

This game is amazing and I wouldn't have discovered it without BGA. But I've had 2 games in a row and quite a few games overall just get ruined half way through because of a misclick. So I look at the bugs\suggestions and the developer rejected this. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW?

I am actually going to stop playing this game, which is in my top 5 Abstract Strategies, because of this. Also, I can't concede a game, ever, because it always says it's less than 50% done.

How is any game put on here without a confirm\undo? unless your turn is all undoable, drawing cards or whatever, then I just don't get it.
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Re: How the heck did the developer reject the confirmation button?

Post by BLOIZO »

Hello andural69,

Thank you for your kind words and your feedback. I understand your feeling but BGA policy is quite strict about the Undo option. I forward you the official link here:

Anayway, we will think further about the undo button, but don't expect it straight away.

Thank you for your understanding
see you soon!

PS: I will fix the game progression right now!
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Re: How the heck did the developer reject the confirmation button?

Post by mpacker »

Just out of curiosity and no disrespect meant

How is a confirm button and undo button the same??? I quit playing one game because the screen would sometimes jump after loading and I would end up clicking on a square that isnt what I meant. Undo is undoing something that has been “done”. Something isn’t done until it’s completed which is what a confirm button basically is

Why do some games have confirm buttons and others don’t?

Azul is one of the most popular games in BGA and it uses confirm MULTIPLE times for a single turn
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Re: How the heck did the developer reject the confirmation button?

Post by JiPaul »

Hello BLOIZO, (English follows)
Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec mpacker et andural69. Ce que nous demandons, c'est la possibilité d'annuler un "misclick". En général lorsqu'on se rend compte d'un tel événement, on annule dans les 5 secondes qui suivent. Et en particulier dans le cas d'un jeu en tour par tour (ce qui est le plus fréquent actuellement vu le faible nombre de joueurs à Hokito) cela ne gène en rien le jeu de l'adversaire. Dans le cas de Azul (sité par mpacker) chaque coup est normalement suivi d'une attente de confirmation de quelques secondes (avec décompte du temps), et si cette confirmation ne vient pas avant que ces quelques secondes se soient écoulées le coup est enregistré et le joueur suivant peu jouer.
Par ailleurs j'ai beau relire la page sur les undo-policy, je ne vois rien qui s'oppose à l'implantation pour Hokito d'un tel système de confirmation qui disparait au bout de quelques secondes.
Une explication maintenant sur ce que nous appelons "misclick" : Lorsque dans Hokito on réfléchit à ce qu'on va jouer on utilise bien entendu la possibilité qu'on a de cliquer sur une case afin de visualiser les différents coups possibles depuis cette case (elle devient rouge alors et les jetons/tours qu'on ne peut atteindre sont alors grisés). On re-clique ensuite sur la même case pour désactiver ce mode, puis on essaie une autre case, etc.
Un "misclick" intervient lorsqu'on oublie de désactiver ce mode avant de tester une autre case. Bien sûr quand on joue très souvent comme moi on est très attentif à éviter un tel "misclick". Mais hélas cela arrive parfois et dans ce cas c'est très frustrant car ce n'est vraiment pas ce qu'on voulait jouer.
J'ajouterais pour conclure que l'impossibilité d'annuler un "misclick" est peut-être ce qui a découragé les joueurs,... car depuis que je joue à Hokito sur BGA le nombre de joueurs n'a cessé de décroître et c'est bien dommage.
English :
I completely agree with mpacker and andural69. What we're asking for is the ability to cancel a "misclick". In general, when we become aware of such an event, we cancel within 5 seconds. And particularly in the case of turn-based play (which is currently the most common, given the low number of players in Hokito), it doesn't interfere in any way with the opponent's game. In the case of Azul (mentioned by mpacker), each move is normally followed by a few seconds of confirmation (with the time counted down), and if this confirmation doesn't come before these few seconds have elapsed, the move is recorded and the next player can play.
I've read the page on undo-policy again, but I can't see any reason why Hokito shouldn't have such a confirmation system, which disappears after a few seconds.
I'd now like to explain what we call 'misclick': in Hokito, when you're thinking about what you're going to play, you can of course click on a square to see the different possible moves from that square (it then turns red and the chips/turns you can't reach are then greyed out). You then click on the same square again to deactivate this mode, then try another square, and so on.
A 'misclick' occurs when you forget to deactivate this mode before trying another square. Of course, when you play very often, as I do, you're very careful to avoid such misclicks. But unfortunately it happens sometimes and in that case it's very frustrating because it's really not what you wanted to play.
In conclusion, I'd like to add that the impossibility of cancelling a misclick is perhaps what has discouraged players... because since I've been playing Hokito on BGA, the number of players has steadily decreased, and that's a shame.
Best regards,

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Re: How the heck did the developer reject the confirmation button?

Post by JiPaul »

Et pourquoi ne pas mettre cette possibilité de confirmation en option (comme c'est le cas dans Azul) ?
Et pourquoi ne pas faire un sondage auprès des (peu) nombreux joueurs de Hokito pour savoir ce qu'ils en pensent ?

English :
And why not make confirmation an option (as it is in Azul)?
And why not poll the (few) Hokito players to find out what they think?
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Re: How the heck did the developer reject the confirmation button?

Post by YicKai »

I agree. I think it is necessary to add "confirm" and "cancel" buttons. People always make mistakes, so we should give others a chance to correct them. If we give up the game Hokito because of a mistake, it will be everyone's loss.
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Re: How the heck did the developer reject the confirmation button?

Post by HolyTispoon »

There is no reason, in the undo policy or in general, why this game should not require an additional confirmation which shows you what decided to do before executing it. The information is already revealed so there isn’t even the reasoning of ‘reversing what players should have thought’. Currently this game is very unpleasant to play on mobile because of this punishing feature. It’s especially punishing for newer players so if you want players to come back to the game a second time I would recommend making the first play less miserable.
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Re: How the heck did the developer reject the confirmation button?

Post by BLOIZO »

Hi everyone!

Better later than never, but we finally add a confirmation button! No more missmove, better gameplay like a brand new game!

Enjoy and share comments!

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Re: How the heck did the developer reject the confirmation button?

Post by SimplicatusGames »

BLOIZO wrote: 12 April 2024, 18:03 Hi everyone!

Better later than never, but we finally add a confirmation button! No more missmove, better gameplay like a brand new game!

Enjoy and share comments!

Thank you very much! Merci beaucoup!
Our games make you think! https://Simplicatus.Games is an independent publisher and distributor of indie tabletop games.
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