Super frustrating implementation in terms of what can and cannot be undone

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Super frustrating implementation in terms of what can and cannot be undone

Post by VirtualAlex »

The "determination" if choices is very brutal and prone to mistakes both from play understanding perspective but also a technical implementation.

For example it's incredibly easy to click on the wrong card. Especially when you have a big stack of cards and especially on mobile. Doing so can completely destroy your entire turn and ruin the whole game. For example if I activated a 5 and I have a stock with 5 different 5s in it... You better take it REAL SLOW now to botch it.

On the other hand, sometimes I select a unit just as part of my thinking process... Well some times when I select one and see the choices available i want to change my mind. Note: I haven't don anything yet... but i am already locked into this choice. it's very brutal. A unit choice shouldn't be locked in until you actually "use it."

The indicator of where units can move or attack is a square with an X in it... That is visually weird because an X would make me feel like I cannot use that spot.
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Re: Super frustrating implementation in terms of what can and cannot be undone

Post by vurtan »


thank you for the feedback.
The indicator of where units can move or attack is a square with an X in it... That is visually weird because an X would make me feel like I cannot use that spot.
This should be fixed now. On mobile the arrows where not showing and I changed it to images instead of unicode characters.

I see all the points you are mention. Playing on desktop is quite eaiser then on mobile, that is for sure!
We plan to implement an undo / confirmation button (which is highly requested). But it will take some time to implement.

The only idea I have in mind about the activation is to confirm the selection before executing it.
This would require an additional click, but better then the other result.
Do you have any other idea how this could be done from your point of view?
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Re: Super frustrating implementation in terms of what can and cannot be undone

Post by tiagoroldao »

My two cents on this - honestly everything would be solved by a "restart turn" button, so if you guys are investing time in it, no point adding anything else! All the remaining headaches would be moot, and strategies like requiring two button pushes to confirm every action would not be needed - play could be as smooth as it is now, with the added benefit that's a missclick would not be such a dangerous prospective.
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