who is the Judge

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who is the Judge

Post by multiplumb41 »

I would like to know who judges altercations in chat? I have been spoken to in a ugly way in chat while playing spades and never responded until the game was over yet the judgement was not in my favor , frankly it never is! So is the judge the same one that is prosecuting *??? i will not tollerate rudeness in anyone on this site nor face to face. and this ," Participation Trophy mind set ," is at best a farce so congratulations BGA, im done with this one sided kangeroo system you have. if you cant do better than that , delete the chat all together
Yours Not so Happy,
MultiPlumb 41

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Re: who is the Judge

Post by Jellby »

multiplumb41 wrote: 25 May 2024, 07:43 I have been spoken to in a ugly way in chat while playing spades and never responded until the game was over
Do you mean you did respond after? If you respond, you may be found as guilty as the other party. Do not respond to insults and provocations, just finish the game and report the incident.
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Re: who is the Judge


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Re: who is the Judge

Post by LLlollipop »

In this situation you bid a nill with at least 3 cards in every suit so you have no place to dump your high cards. You had a 9, Q, A of clubs. You had low hearts and spades. You had a 3, 5, Q of diamonds. I led the 6 of diamonds. You took a long time to decide which to play. You then played your Queen. Your partner then played her K. Then later when I saw you could have played your 5 or 3 I politely asked you to explain your strategy in bidding that nill and starting with your queen of diamonds. While it can be inferred, I never stated what it appeared which is did you ask your partner if she had the K or A before you played your queen first. You simply were silent so I assumed you were either new or maybe you were distracted for awhile then quickly clicked the queen not thinking. I wasn't worried about it.

The first response given to you is correct. I innocently inquired about a very strange bid and the way it was played. Am I the only one that has ever questioned a move like that? If so I am sorry. When you were silent, I figured it was an honest play. But the way you yourself belittled me after you lost the game AND how you are trying to attack BGA makes me questioned your intentions. You never spoke back until my p and I had a miraculous comeback close win. It was THEN that you started belittling me. I simply asked a question then I dropped it. But before you start throwing BGA under the bus on this, I felt I would come forth with the truth and the whole story. I was the one attacked by you and the evidence can be watched https://boardgamearena.com/gamereview?table=516843248 beginning at move 418 on this game board view the play, the hands, and the chat. Thank you.

Also installing that and ignoring the chat is a good idea as stated above, thank you. But please understand if you pause a long time before playing a card and then play a very questionable card that raises questions whether anyone says anything or not.

I only asked you to explain your strategy in bidding such a hand on nill and then playing it the way you did. I don't care the answer, the game is over. But before you start belittling me in the chat for asking a question, as you stated and was highlighted in the response above that you gave no response, you instead then rehashed it at the end of the game after you lost even after I even said gg.
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Re: who is the Judge



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Re: who is the Judge

Post by THE B0SS »

Yes, very suspicious how you and these characters all disappeared at the same time. Hope you're doing alright.
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