Why don’t all the dice roll?

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Why don’t all the dice roll?

Post by Gregburbidge »

A number of times each game it appears that not all three dice roll at the end of the turn. I just lost a game because none of the dice rolled twice in a row. Does anyone know if it’s a glitch or a rule I don’t know about?
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Re: Why don’t all the dice roll?

Post by vurtan »

That is just pure randomness. Each round the dice get rolled by corresponding function of BGA.

Only if the values rolled are the same for a single die there is no animation. So you can look at this as a graphical glitch.
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Re: Why don’t all the dice roll?

Post by vurtan »

As mentioned in the corresponding bug report (https://boardgamearena.com/bug?id=125468), I adjusted the animation.
So now the dice should roll with animation even the number as result is the same.
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Re: Why don’t all the dice roll?

Post by Gregburbidge »

Thanks for fixing the graphics. Now that I know it was rolled, unchanged, it makes sense that it wasn't moving. The time I rolled the exact same things multiple times in a row there was some colorful language thinking it was a glitch. Turns out it was just bad luck!
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