Quick question...in the rulebook of this game it states..
Treasure tile sets:
A player gains VP's for complete sets of treasure tile. A set
consists of one tile each of the three different treasure types:
Vase, statue, and jewelry. A wild card treasure tile may be
used as substitute for any type, but a set may not contain
more than 2 wild card treasure tiles.
I noticed when playing/observing this game on BGA it allows you to get points set using 3 wild cards. I always thought you needed at least ONE vase, necklace or statue and then you can use TWO wild cards to complete a set/not able to use 3 wild cards to create a set.
Did the rules change with a different edition of the game?
Quick question...in the rulebook of this game it states..
Treasure tile sets:
A player gains VP's for complete sets of treasure tile. A set
consists of one tile each of the three different treasure types:
Vase, statue, and jewelry. A wild card treasure tile may be
used as substitute for any type, but a set may not contain
more than 2 wild card treasure tiles.
I noticed when playing/observing this game on BGA it allows you to get points set using 3 wild cards. I always thought you needed at least ONE vase, necklace or statue and then you can use TWO wild cards to complete a set/not able to use 3 wild cards to create a set.
Did the rules change with a different edition of the game?