There was a problem recording crystal placement, please try again

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There was a problem recording crystal placement, please try again

Post by CuriousTerran »

Developer of Via Magica here. I'd like to know if anyone sees the following message during crystal placement 'There was a problem recording crystal placement, please try again'. I suspect there are some odd database racetime issues during multiple players doing crystal placement at the same time. Has anyone seen this message during crystal placement? Did it occur many times or once. Did you encounter crystals not being placed? Thanks.
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Re: There was a problem recording crystal placement, please try again

Post by nccc »

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Re: There was a problem recording crystal placement, please try again

Post by arisanana »

'Bout 1.5 yrs later and I would like to say:

YES, I see this like every other, if not every, game. It comes with a big red bar that basically has us reload the page to keep playing. I can try to note down some time the next time it appears.

Only good thing is, it doesn't cost a game and 20 ranks to reload a page, unlike the bug that says "You have placed a crystal" and then the game proceeds as if no one has placed any crystals and the drawn animus is wasted, as if it weren't even in the bag in the first place.
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Re: There was a problem recording crystal placement, please try again

Post by Lou1990lou »

This happens all the time. The worst is when it isnt picked up by the game and it doesn't recognise the placement of a valid gem. This happened in my last game three times. And i lost the game because of it. And as it was an arena game so i lost arena placement.

This has been recorded by multiple players multiple times. It's not good enough.
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Re: There was a problem recording crystal placement, please try again

Post by Pitufito »

I experienced several times that crystal placement is not recorded. The error seems random. It doesnt happen for 10 games and then in one game, it can happen multiple times. I don.t get the error message, the game just doesnt record my crystal placement, it is like I have passed my turn without playing anything.
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