Unfortunately, this game wont last long unless playing with friends

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Unfortunately, this game wont last long unless playing with friends

Post by Hagardunor »

I did not take me a long time to find out lielow playing pages already published online (although I was just looking for the official website, which as far as I understand does not exist).

These will for sure be used by cheaters to help them in their moves, as it is already the case for Puissance Quatre.

So I may not play much with this interesting game except with friends.
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Re: Unfortunately, this game wont last long unless playing with friends

Post by ManaT »

I actually talk with the designer of Lielow quite often, and I am not aware of what you're talking about. What are "playing pages"?
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Re: Unfortunately, this game wont last long unless playing with friends

Post by alek1 »

The playing pages won't offer much help at competitive levels, if you mean the computer opponent that you can play against online.
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Re: Unfortunately, this game wont last long unless playing with friends

Post by Zapawa »

FWIW, the O'dwyer program is deterministic (ie. will always make the same move in a given board position), and, while on average quite competent, there are several lines in which it quickly blunders. As P1, you can win in at most 8 moves, and as P2 in at most 6. The AiAi engine is probably a bigger problem, but if my experience from other games is any indicator, it is probably weaker than a competent, dedicated human player, even at high thinking times. I'm personally weaker than the engine, but it can sometimes hang a mate in 2.
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