Why no numerical ELO?

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Why no numerical ELO?

Post by slimy_asparagus »

After 5 games and 3 victories all I know is that I am an apprentice. What is going on?
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Re: Why no numerical ELO?

Post by Jellby »

https://boardgamearena.com/faq?anchor=f ... edrankings
Somes games are not suitable for online competition on Board Game Arena.This can happen for a range of reasons:
  • the game may be a cooperative one, where your rank serves as a rough indication of your level but should not be viewed as a competitive rank;
  • the game may have been solved;
  • there may be easily accessible game engines or artificial intelligence allowing players to compete at the level of the engine instead of their own.
In any of those cases, or if a specific reason does not allow for a fair competitive basis for a game, rankings and competitive modes will be disabled (with matching trophies).
(Emphasis mine)
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